Jerrabomberra High School

Community. Growth. Innovation.

Telephone(02) 6217 4600

Essentials for learning

To learn at Jerrabomberra High School, students are required to bring the following Essentials for Learning equipment. 

Classroom teachers will notify you of any specific equipment needed in addition to the following list.

Bring your own learning device (BYOLD)

Please refer to the specifications on the following page.

Student should have the following things to support their laptops.

  • Protective cover
  • Wired headphones
  • Mouse – wired or wireless
  • Laptop charger (only if required due to issues with battery life)

Laptops should be fully charged and ready to use at the start of each day.


  • 5 x 96 page ruled exercise books (one for each subject)
  • 1 x 96 page 5mm A4 grid book
  • A3 visual art diary (110gsm) (Stage 4 only unless required for specific Stage 5 subjects)


  • pencil case
  • pens
  • pencils – HB & coloured
  • glue stick
  • eraser
  • pencil sharper
  • small scissors
  • 30cm ruler
  • geometry set
  • scientific calculator – Casio fx-100AU (preferred) or Casio fx-82AU